The Top Three Ways to Make More Money by Onboarding Merchants to ACH Processing
Every business, be it a small business or a large enterprise, has a goal of making money with the hope of budgeting and saving money at the same time. And each business builds processes and technology and brings on partners who will also help them make money, save money, and make those dollars go as far as they possibly can.
But what if there was something better out there? Something that could make businesses even more money, while also saving time and money. We’re talking money at a standard that you could control and expect – all without the complications of onboarding new merchants, limited flexibility, and slow administrative processes often a regular part of the payment processing industry.
You’d say “tell me more” right?
Well, here is an unpopular opinion: you’re missing out on money by having your clients process payments through credit cards. (Yeah, we’re serious!)
Here is an even more unpopular opinion: you can make more money if your clients process payments via ACH instead of credit cards. Potentially, a whole lot more.
The faster we tell you, the faster you can start making more money. So, here’s how.
Earn Higher Basis Points with ACH Payment Processing Compared to Credit Cards
Let’s start with some basic terminology and concepts first. A basis point, BIP or BP is 1 percent of 1 percent (i.e., 0.0001). In credit card and ACH payment processing, it is commonly referenced regarding rates. So, a rate of 0.50% is the same as 50 basis points.
Basis points are only one piece of an equation that can get quite complicated. Credit card basis points are often low, but even more often they end up coming with added merchant fees that barely benefit an ISO and always benefit the card companies. In total, the spread does not land in the favor of a reseller looking to make a good profit.
Most credit card accounts provide about 5 basis points. However, ACH transactions provide between 50-60 basis points. That’s a 1,000% improvement!
That’s money being left on the table. And money that can be made and made easily.
And the best part – that difference in basis points will still save your merchants money, protect their transactions and customers, and get you paid faster.
It almost sounds too good to be true, we know. Shoot us an email and we’ll show you how real it is.
But VCI is here to help ISOs and merchants alike – we want our partners and clients to be profitable. To save money, make money and avoid any headaches involved in the day-to-day management of payment processes.
A Common Misconception: ISOs Can’t Layer On Their Own Fees
It’s true! Most resellers are leaving money on the table by not adding on their own fees to ACH payment processing transactions. As a reseller, this is the best way to make money on ACH transactions. Through our proprietary admin portal, resellers can collaborate with VCI support teams to set up and control the amount of ISO fees get layered on.
Remember, we’re here to make you money and get paid faster. As your trusted payments processing partner, our job is to make your job easier.
What makes sense for your business? Think about your goals. What are your merchants currently paying for credit card transactions? Is there a dollar amount you would like to be making off each payment processed? These are some of the questions our team will ask to learn how we can help you make more money while still providing a benefit to your merchants.
In a proper Jerry Maguire reference, SHOW ME THE MONEY!
ACH Transactions Will Put You In Greater Control of Your Own Success
The old saying goes “you get out what you put in.” But what about “work smarter, not harder”? How can we make those two concepts live harmoniously?
Well, we already know you work hard. Now let us help you work smart. Here’s what you’re missing: Layer on convenience fees and build tiered fees on top of ACH transaction processing fees. This capability will greatly expand the ability to align with traditional company practices and financial goals that get your more money in a streamlined process.
These fee options provide greater control over a reseller’s success and ability to make money. Resellers can now control these tiers without worrying about the price shock effects on merchants. This is what we’re here for.
VeriCheck’s new proprietary Microsoft Azure-based ACH payment processing platform features reseller and admin controls to build markup costs over the baseline ACH payment processing fees. Merchants can even self-onboard, making your job easier and your bottom line thicker.
With this new platform we call VEER, we will quickly steer onto the path that gives YOU the power to make these personalized decisions that lead to your success.
We will help each of our partners navigate this and build a “smarter, not harder” program that is mutually benefits to merchants and resellers alike.
Before You Go…
We’ve made it our job to help resellers better sell and make more money. We’re committed to our partners, and their success. Every bit of innovation, technology, features added, and internal process improvements have been implemented to help our resellers improve their bottom line.
Contact us today at sales@vericheck.com to learn how we’ve committed our success to your success.
Let’s start making you more money!