Check Giving with VeriCheck Through Continue to Give
Did you know that 60 percent of churchgoers are willing to give to their church digitally? In this digital age, online giving is becoming the new norm. In fact, when it comes to donating, 68 percent of people want digital options.
Online giving – which includes donating through a website, smartphone, tablet and kiosk – allows churchgoers to give what they can, when they can. Digital givers, on average, give 33 percent more than non-digital givers.
There is not a more seamless and secure way to collect online donations than by using Automated Clearing House (ACH). ACH is a global electronic payment delivery system that electronically moves funds from one bank account to another. It’s easy, fast and secure – three things that digital givers look for in today’s day and age.
Let’s look at some more facts about giving in the digital age and why platforms such as Continue to Give and VeriCheck can benefit various organizations.
Millennials and Online Giving
For the generation that does almost everything electronically, online giving is both convenient and easy. Millennials make up 26 percent of the US population and 40 percent are enrolled in a monthly giving program.
But, while millennials are active donors, they are most active on their phones – specifically through text messages and social media.
Online giving – through platforms such as Continue to Give – is a win-win for both churches and millennials. Churches can expand their donation reach while millennials can donate in a way that is convenient for them.
The Generation X
Generation Xers make up over 20 percent of the population and nearly 50 percent are enrolled in a monthly giving program.
Gen Xers are very likely to respond to voice calls or text messages as well as check email regularly. As a matter of fact, 31 percent of online donations made by Gen Xers were prompted by email.
Churches who use online giving tools such as text-to-give, mobile giving apps or website forms are far more likely to reach this generation than through non-digital methods.
Check Giving Online?
Donating with traditional paper check payments runs the risk of a lost or stolen check – not to mention the extra time and effort it takes to write and deposit checks. To protect donors funds, organizations can accept online donations without the fear of lost or stolen checks.
Continue To Give’s platform enables organizations to accept online donations throughVeriCheck’s processing account via two different options:
- Check Scanning
ACH and Online Giving
In today’s digital age, organizations that are not accepting online giving are missing out on opportunities to collect donations from the increasing number of digital donors. And while there are numerous avenues for online donating, ACH is a great giving solution for your organization. This is possible with both one-time payments as well as recurring giving. A digital donor can simply set up recurring donations and not have to think about it again.
On your website, ACH giving does not require a donor’s credit card information, but instead usestheir banking information. This method will keep the giving process easy and keep your subsequent transaction fees lower.
ACH payments are also safe, secure and simple.
Check Scanning
There are people who still like that feeling of putting a check into the offering basket. But that comes with the hassle of logging them and running them to the bank, or entering them one by one into your donation and accounting software, hoping they do not bounce, etc.
Well now there is a better way…
Continue to Give and Vericheck are now offering a streamlined check scanning solution. It simplifies the process and makes it more efficient for churches and donors. We utilize a digital check scanner that will allow you to run up to 120 checks through at one time. After the amount is verified, they will automatically be deposited into your bank. Most importantly, they will be tracked within your online giving and church management system all in one place.
To learn more about everything Continue to Give has to offer – online giving, Check Manager capabilities, and fund accounting, click here.